In Memory of Aaron Allen

When I heard
The news
I could not speak
I did not know
What to say
And I am still unsure
If any words
Could ever really convey
The great loss
That the world
Had suffered
In your absence

I want to ask
But I know
All too well
What driving force lies
Behind such decisions
And perhaps
You were just
Too good for this world
And have been welcomed
With open arms
To a better place
Where it is warm
And bright
And you no longer
Have any doubts
Of the love you are due
Of the beauty that inherently resides
Within you
Within all of us

I want to scream out loud
To tear this world apart
That I might find
Some semblance
Of the strength
That allowed you
To continue
For as long as you did
That I might share it
With all those who still struggle
To find
To find a reason
To rise each day
The darkness that awaits
Within the light that falls
On the other side
Of drawn curtains
Of shuttered windows and
Bolted doors

I see your face
In every cautious glance
As we stand in huddled masses
Arms grasping
For something outside
Of ourselves
Searching each shoulder and
Warm embrace
For belonging
For acceptance
For relief

Aaron you
Will never be forgotten
Will not go quietly
Nor alone
Though I can only imagine
The oppresive emptiness
That you experienced
As you drifted slowly
From this world

There is hope
In your departure
As neighbor stands before neighbor
In agreement
That enough is enough
That one loss
Is a loss for all
And that in our grief we might find
A light
To guide others
To shine brightly
As a beacon
For all those who might have lost their way
To a place where
There is no fear
Or shame
Only love
And the promise
Of something greater
Than words could ever capture
A story
Held close
Without expectations
Simple and pure
Just as you were
Just as we all remain

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