
Beckoned to
Inner sanctum
As trumpets sound
And sighs arise
In anticipation
Gently I move
Banners to the side as
I enter slowly
But deliberately
Paying due respect
To the stately queen
Poised above in grandeur
Restless but calm
Knowing we will make acquaintance
Many times in this visit

Opened now
As a bottle of the finest champagne
Contents begin to flow
Slowly and with grace
In waves like clouds of smoke
And I partake
With vigor
Moving with intent
Up and down
The elegant ballroom floor
The sweet sounds of your voice
Rising and falling
Cue and crescendo
Your breath a tempo
My ears tuned
My motion synchronized

The queen calls
And without pause
We are arm in arm
As she shows me the steps
She prefers
This is her hall after all
She knows
Just what she likes
As we spin
She falls into my arms
Then curtsies and departs
As I return to my solo
The music rises
The tempo quickens
And the sweat drips
From forehead to
Glistening marble floor

The banners are drawn closed
Only for a moment
As I climb the staircase to find your face
Eyes wild
Ready to begin
The next movement

22 thoughts on “Banners

    1. Thank you, the comparison is a high honor to me. I am very grateful that you not only took the time to read this, but that you left a thoughtful comment with such a kind comparison!


    1. Thank you! I truly appreciate the feedback and am so glad that the words carried the build up of the experience. It is always so nice to hear that my words have carried their meaning and sentiment effectively.

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